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Monday, February 05, 2007

TLP answer to question

From Mr. Fisher's class, Katie wrote a post about Friends what do they mean to you. I think friends are a very good source of happiness, solution to problems, laughing times etc. I think without friends it would be very bad for me. Just think about it almost all Fridays and Saturdays I hangout with my friends and they come to my house make a sleep over and all those stuff. If I wouldn't have friends I would not hang out nor make sleep over or even be happy. Being alone is the worst thing for me in the world. Maybe for some people they like be alone. I am not saying that you need to be with your friends every time I am just saying that you need people to feel good. You need a person that helps you to solve problems, a person that laughs with you, that listens what you tell them. That is very important for your self esteem. I think that it’s right what Katie says something that she said at the end is the ps she said Keep your friends close but your enemies even closer. I think that comment is very real because If you show enemies a bad feeling about them they will steel be the same with you but maybe if you are different with them like talking more with them laughing with them and all that maybe they will treat you better and maybe they would become your friend and even best friend.

Having friends also has bad things but the majority is good things. These bad things may be that your friend starts talking very bad about your friend you are just listening to her but you think all what she say is bad. One thing you can do is tell her please stop the person who are you talking about is also my friend so If you are going to talk bad about her don’t tell it to me tell it to another person. What I would never do in this case would be to go to your friend and tell her what this person was telling you about her. That is the worst thing you could do because then a fight would begin so this two persons would become enemies. Another bad thing of having friends well it happens just in some cases. When you have a big group of friends a fight create faster. The fight will create faster because the group is so big that sometimes you don’t talk to some of your friends in this groups s they may start gossip about you or they start talking about other people and obviously you want to know but they don’t want to tell you s you get mad at them and a fight starts.

It’s better to have a smaller group of people like of 5 or 4 persons. When you hang out all of the people talk together in the same conversation, so all of you know about what person or theme are you talking about. For me it’s better to be in a group of this amount of people because of the reasons I have all ready tell you.

Over all I would not survive without my friends. So that is why I think there are so much people in the world so every single person could have a friend.


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